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  • Yazarın fotoğrafıSevilay Özen


Güncelleme tarihi: 25 Oca 2021

Heyyyoo! I came to talk about a topic that I am very happy about.You know that we have switched to online learning system for a long time.This affected many students and even teachers negatively. Because not everyone can be comfortable in front of the camera. Of course, it is very difficult to do this in a home environment. But I want to talk about an excellent application to make this quite easy. It is called Flipgrid.


The video-sharing tool Flipgrid, as we all know, is popular in schools—so popular, in so many countries, that its rapid rise been attributed to “Flipgrid Fever.” The tool has been free for educators to use for over a year now after being acquired by Microsoft.

One of the main things going for Flipgrid is its ease of use. Teachers set up an account and create grids, which act as communities for students to work in. Within each grid the teacher creates prompts called topics, and students post video responses to the prompts and replies to each other’s videos. Most of the videos are quite short, just a minute or two long, and the tool is simple enough that kindergartners use it.

Here are a few videos that might be useful for you. Stay healthy.

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